Professional Development

Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

: John Chamberlain, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist
Where: Friday, January 14, 2011 9:00am - noonat the Kolmac Clinic 1003 Spring St.,SilverSpring Md. 20910

Workshop is offered free of charge; 3 Category 1 CEUs offered for $20

This 3-hour workshop will address:

· Symptom profile, assessment, and etiological theories of OCD.

· Overview of cognitive-behavioral treatment using exposure with response prevention (E/RP).

· Application of E/RP to the most common obsessive themes: contamination, harm to self or loved ones, sexual “perversions,” religious transgressions, aggressive impulses, perfectionism, and obsessing about obsessing.

· Complicating factors, including “overvalued ideation,” comorbid disorders, “Tourettic OCD,” family members who enable compulsions, and emotions other than anxiety.

· Application of techniques to milder OCD features.

Case examples will be provided throughout the presentation.

About the Presenter: Dr. Chamberlain served as a staff psychologist at the Catholic University Counseling Center for 11 years, including 3 years as Director of Internship Training. He also spent 7 years on staff at the Behavior Therapy Center of Greater Washington, a clinic specializing in treatment of OCD and OC-spectrum disorders. He is now in full-time private practice and was voted a Top Therapist for both OCD and Social Anxiety Disorder in Washingtonian Magazine’s 2009 survey of DC-area practitioners.

To register: Contact Laurie Young at

For directions and parking information: please visit the Kolmac Clinic website at:

Brain-Based Therapy: Evidence-Based Mental Health Treatment from Neuroscience and Attachment Theory
Live Video Webcast Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Featuring John Arden, Ph.D., international expert, acclaimed speaker and the author of 12 books including Rewire Your Brain (Wiley 2010)
Register now

9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (EST) Break from 12:50 p.m. until 2 p.m.

Apply brain-based proven treatments for disorders
§ Depression
§ Anxiety
§ Mood disorders
§ Optimize treatment outcomes through the synthesis of neuroscience, evidence-based treatment and attachment theory
§ Identify which elements of traditional psychotherapy are effective and which are counter-therapeutic.

This seminar will integrate the latest discoveries in neuroscience into practical, evidence-based strategies!Attend this seminar and learn how to optimize treatment for a variety of clients by harnessing the latest knowledge from neuroscience; developmental psychology; psychotherapy research; evidence-based practice; attachment research; and psychodynamic and cognitive behavioral approaches.

Take home proven treatment strategies for anxiety disorders such as OCD, GAD, Panic Disorder and PTSD; as well as for depression and ADD.John Arden, Ph.D. is an international expert, acclaimed speaker and the author of 12 books including Rewire Your Brain (Wiley 2010). Dr. Arden is lead author of the books Brain-Based Therapy with Adults (Wiley 2008) and Brain-Based Therapy with Children & Adolescents (Wiley 2008).

Presenter:John Arden, Ph.D. is the author of 12 books including Rewire Your Brain (Wiley 2010). Dr. Arden is lead author of the books Brain-Based Therapy: Adult and Brain-Based Therapy: Child. His first book, Consciousness, Dreams, and Self, was awarded the 1997 Outstanding Academic Book Award by Choice, a publication of the American Library Association. An international panel of jurists nominated his second book, Science, Theology, and Consciousness, for the CTS award funded by the Templeton Foundation. His book America’s Meltdown: Creating the Lowest Common Denominator Society explored the degradation of the fabric of American society.His seven self-help books are Surviving Job Stress, Improving Your Memory for Dummies, Stop Spoiling that Man, Conquering Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (with Dr. Victoria Beckner), Heal Your Anxiety Workbook and Heal Your OCD Workbook (with Dr. Daniel DalCorso) and Rewire Your Brain (Wiley 2010).Dr. Arden has a background in neuropsychology and is the director of training for mental health for the Kaiser Permanente Medical Centers in Northern California. In this capacity, he oversees one of the largest mental health training programs in the world, operating in 22 different medical centers throughout Northern California. He also practices part-time at Kaiser Permanente in Petaluma and San Rafael, and he served for several years as the chief psychologist at Kaiser Vallejo. He has taught in colleges, professional schools and universities.

Credit Information Full Credit InfoCredits listed for this event have been approved for this program. If interested in credit availability for professions not listed, please contact or 800-844-8260 prior to the event. Per board regulations, additional credit inquires submitted after the date of the event cannot be honored. For all other inquiries, please contact

How to register: $169.99Online or phone 1-877-880-1335. Please have your credit card available.Fax 1-800-554-9775Mailing address:PO Box 1000Eau Claire, WI 54702

This Professional Training Is Open To All Professionals 3 Contact Hours Detailed Link


When: Friday January 28, 2011, 12:30PM - 4:15PM

Where:Rockville Memorial Library 21 Maryland Ave First Floor Meeting Room Click Here for Directions

This presentation reviews the diagnostic criteria and clinical presentations of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. As OCD can have a wide range of manifestations, it is important for clinicians to properly assess for the underlying themes so that an effective treatment can be developed. Successful treatment relies on effective interventions and creative clinicians. Interventions and treatments for clients with OCD involve cognitive behavioral strategies including hierarchy development and Exposure and Response Prevention. Also addressed will be the importance and rationale of the subjective units of distress scale (SUDS) as part of hierarchy development and E/RP.


1) Recognize the features of the psychotherapeutic relationship that are empirically validated

2) Identify the boundaries of your own therapeutic approach

3) Identify the various forms of self-disclosure

4) Develop ways to thoughtfully manage the uses of self-disclosure

5) Develop ways to thoughtfully manage the issues of receiving/ accepting gifts and touch between client and therapist

Presenter(s) Dr. Michael Stadter is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Bethesda. His practice includes long-term and brief psychotherapy, clinical supervision and organizational consultation.

His faculty positions include: Clinical Psychologist-in-Residence in the Department of Psychology at American University, Faculty at the Washington School of Psychiatry, and Faculty and Board Member of the International Psychotherapy Institute. He is also a member of the International Advisory Board of the journal, Psychodynamic Practice.

Dr. Stadter is the author of a number of publications including his book, Object Relations Brief Therapy: The Relationship in Short-term Work (1996) published by Jason Aronson and translated into Spanish and Korean). He is also editor (with David Scharff) of the book, Dimensions of Psychotherapy/Dimensions of Experience: Time, Space, Number and State of Mind (2005) published by Brunner-Routledge. He is currently working on a new book tentatively titled Time and Self in Psychodynamic Therapy and Beyond (to be published by Jsson Aronson). Additionally, he has been recognized by the Washingtonian magazine as one of the top psychotherapists in the Washington, DC area and has been frequently invited to teach nationally and internationally.

Concerning his work in the area of brief therapy, Dr. Stadter was formerly Assistant Director of the Counseling Center of Georgetown University, Director of the Counseling Center of American University and he developed EAPs for two businesses and one local government.



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