Paper Clip Communications Webinars
Military-Connected Students: Policies & Procedures Audit
May 3, 2016
The rising numbers of military-connected students require institutions to persistently assess policies and procedures to ensure they are acting in compliance while providing quality service and support structures.
 Join your colleagues from across the country for an interactive webinar to evaluate and implement your student veteran compliance considerations such as:
  • Understanding the GI Bill and other education benefits and programs
  • Managing Veteran education benefits
  • Implementing and understanding the Presidential Executive Order
  • How to Employ strategies for Principles of Excellence compliance

Additionally, you will view complicated compliance issues through the lens of student veterans including:
  • Title IX
  • VAWA
  • Clery
·         ADA
Sarah E. Minnis, PhD, is the CEO and Principal Consultant at Anthology Consulting LLC. (Click here for full bio)

Microaggressions: Strategies To Improve Your Campus Climate and Community
May 24, 2016
In a year that has seen tremendous activism and demands for meaningful change on campuses and in communities, it is critical to consider the role and responsibility you have in creating a safe and secure campus environment for all students, faculty and staff.
“It’s not a big deal.” We often hear this after an insensitive comment is made. But what happens when that comment is indicative of an undercurrent of racism or other social tension on campus? An environment where some of your students feel invisible, targeted and unsafe? “IT” is a big deal. These “microaggressions” have a significant negative impact that undermines student persistence and academic success and have a damaging cumulative impact, leaving students feeling unheard, unsafe and unwelcome.
Kathy Obear, Ed. D., is the President of the Alliance for Change Consulting & Coaching and Co-Founder of The Social Justice Training Institute. (Click here for full bio)

Stress. It makes your heart pound, your breathing quicken and your forehead sweat. But while stress has been made into a public health enemy, new research…………..


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