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Serving and Supporting Low Income Students 2014:
Next and Promising Practices
Wednesday, May 7th • 2-3:30 pm (ET)

There has never been a more critical time to strive toward educating every student that enters into a post-secondary institution. At every government level, agendas contain educational attainment goals that address the importance of having an educated U.S. population approaching 60% in 2020/2025.

     These ambitious goals will require higher education to demonstrate a focused and intentional support for all students, with special emphasis on low income students who have often not had the same resources or support systems their peers have had as they pursue a college degree.

     Join us for an interactive webinar where you will learn about effective and adaptable strategies to provide assistance and guidance to low income students, validating their decision to seek post-secondary education while not minimizing the work that must take place or the struggles they face.

Issues that will be addressed include:
  • identifying the non-academic factors that can interfere with progress
  • importance of academic acumen and academic confidence
  • building key partnerships
  • three critical areas for low income student success
  • structured intrusive advising practices mentoring and academic coaching
     You will learn about best and promising practices that are working on other campuses that can be adapted and implemented in supporting low income students on their path to graduation from your institution.

Critical Considerations in Conduct, Compliance & Confidentiality
Wednesday, July 30th • 2-3:30 pm (ET)

Your campus counseling and conduct staff are often balancing the diverse needs of the academic community, the management of student behavior and compliance with applicable federal regulations and guidance.

     It is not uncommon for faculty and staff to request confidential information from counseling or conduct offices regarding students. Or, demand that the institution mandate mental health treatment or removal of students from campus. These requests, coupled with the growing demands of parents and news agencies, can leave institutional staff feeling pulled in multiple — and sometimes competing — directions.

     Regulations regarding the exclusion of threats to self under Title II, sexual assaults under Title IX, the Violence Against Women’s Act, and FERPA, continue to create increased challenges to addressing disruptive and disturbing student behavior while maintaining confidentiality and compliance.

     Join our expert panelists, coming from counseling, conduct and legal perspectives, as they address these critical considerations that necessitate on-going conversations and training of your staff members.

Maryland Counseling Association

Annual Conference “Wellness in the Age of Technology”

Friday November 14, 2014

Johns Hopkins University, Columbia, MD


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