The Maryland Consortium for Adjunct Faculty Professional Development (MCAPD)
Is holding its 6th Annual Conference at the Community College of Baltimore County, Catonsville campus, on Saturday, October 6, 2012. The theme for this year’s conference is “Adjunct Faculty: Adding Value to the Academy and the Work Force”.   Mr. Richard Story, Senior Vice President for Marketing at JPB Partners, is our keynote speaker and will address “Preparing For an Ever Changing World.”  Participants will have a wonderful opportunity to network with colleagues from other Maryland institutions and to learn and discuss creative and effective teaching techniques.  Many faculty members and staff from Montgomery College have participated in past conferences, both as presenters and attendees, and have found the conference to be fun and tremendously valuable. 

This year, as in the past, several of our MC colleagues will be presenting sessions.  Attached are files containing information on the conference, the agenda for the day, and the workshop titles and presenters. Please check out our website for registration forms and other conference information --

The fee for this all-day conference is $45 through September 28 and includes breakfast and lunch.  Registration is $50 after September 28.

If you have any questions about the conference or MCAPD, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Don Smith
Director, Evening/Weekend Office, Rockville campus
MC Representative to MCAPD

AFACCT (Associated Faculty for the Advancement of Community College


Become a Peer Presenter at the 23rd Annual AFACCT Conference on January 10-11, 2012, hosted by Frederick Community College. The topic this year is “Flipped, Blended, Mobile, Collaborative & Flexible Approaches to Teaching and Learning.” This is a wonderful opportunity to share your experiences and expertise with other Maryland Community Faculty. AFACCT (Associated Faculty for the Advancement of Community College Teaching) is a consortium of community college faculty from all 16 Maryland community colleges. Our two day conference generally has an attendance of 350-375 participants. The conference consists of 7 sessions with approximately 10 presentations per session, so each individual presentation group is about the size of a seminar classroom.

This is a great opportunity to gain experience in delivering a professional educational presentation and share your successes with your peers.

Submit your proposals now as the deadline for submission is October 15th. Now that the semester has begun, time flies…it’s already September 18th! The Call for Proposals form can be found at the AFACCT website:


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