Professional Development Opportunities

Chinese American Scholar Association (CASA) is pleased to invite you to attend
E-Leader at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, January 3-5, 2011 and E-Leader at Zagreb, Croatia, June 6-8, 2011.

CASA is a non-profit NYC firm founded in 1989. E-Leader is a global forum for Entrepreneurs, Ethics, E-commerce, and E-Learning in all academic disciplines. Since 2006, CASA ran nine successful E-Leaders in Asia and Europe. Four hundred people attended and raved about the conferences. CASA now has 111 board members from 29 countries, including Iran and South Africa,

Submit your paper now by emailing it to:

Topics of presentation include, but are not limited to:
* Leadership (female, developing, inspirational)
* Social and global issues, ethics, negotiation, conflict resolution
* Accounting, finance, economics, management, marketing
* E-Competencies (learning, training, communication)
* Healthcare, teacher education, nursing, engineering, physical sciences

Regular fee is $300 USD.

*Three days attendance to conference and an online publication
*Conference CD-ROM (registered with US Library of Congress) Submit your paper now by emailing it to:

CASA board will review and reply within 48 hours,

Developmental Transitions in Adolescence

Big Brothers Big Sisters and the Maryland Mentoring Partnership is a nonprofit, youth development organization, which is committed to help children reach their fullest potential through professionally supported, one-to-one mentoring relationships and a full range of youth mentoring programs with measurable impact. The programs are tailored to the needs of the children and the availability of the volunteers.

Presenter: Marta "Marcy" Losonczy-Marshall, Ph.D

Dr. Marcy has over 15 years of experience in developmental psychology, which examines human development throughout the life span.

This informative and interactive workshop will focus on the developmental transitions in children from age 10-18, and will be ideal for anyone working with youth. If you would like to better understand the effects of development on behaviors and attitudes you will not want to miss this workshop.

Date: November 17, 2010

Check in & Networking: 10:30 a.m.
Workshop 11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Eastern Shore Hospital CenterEnglish Hall5262 Woods RoadCambridge, MD 21613
DirectionsRegistration Fee: $25
Lunch will be provided
Registration Deadline:November 10, 2010

Contact: Robin Neely at 410-219-3100, or

Montgomery County Commission for WomenCounseling & Career Center

Stress is a normal aspect of everyday life. But when it becomes overwhelming, it can affect our physical capacity and our emotional well-being. Learn to recognize everyday stressors and discover coping tools to manage your stress and live a more productive life.

When:Tuesday, October 12, 2010, 6:30PM - 8:30PM


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