Call For Programs: Maryland Student Affairs Conference 2010 - Wellness (RE)defined

There has been a growing emphasis on wellness in our society and at our colleges and universities. Students and staff are not only redefining ways to balance mind, body and spirit in their daily lives, they are also finding healthier ways to meet the demands of challenging academic and social environments. During the last decade, the American College Health Association created Healthy Campus 2010

(; this document outlines 200 health objectives in areas such social and emotional health, coping with stress in competitive educational environments and creating links between campus health services and other academic and service departments. Campuses around the world have responded to similar promising research and practices by developing and implementing a variety of health and wellness initiatives. These efforts illustrate the importance and scope of this emerging topic.The breadth of what wellness encompasses raises many questions and provides us an opportunity to rethink, redesign, and rework the ways in which live, work, teach and engage on campus. As student affairs professionals, educators and mentors, what does wellness mean to us and our work in 2010? How have our definitions about wellness changed? Join us as we reconsider wellness for ourselves, our campuses and our diverse campus communities.

The 36th Annual Maryland Student Affairs Conference seeks programs that explore promising practices related to developing balanced students and staff, flourishing campuses, and robust communities. We invite presentations that promote conversation about the meaning of "Wellness" in 2010, investigate the opportunities presented through a campus focus on wellness, and examine health disparities that emerge within different campus communities. Additionally, programs could explore or address the relationship between wellness and:

Academic achievement
Service learning
Counseling techniques
Mental health
Activity and nutrition
Health insurance
Work/life balance
Learning outcomes
Campus partnerships
Environmental efforts
Program submissions must be completed online by December 4.Daniel Ostick Chair, 2010 MSAC Program Committee University of Amy Martin, 2010 MSAC Chair University of

Master's degree students are invited to participate in the annual Case Study Competition.Case prizes of $500 (first-place) and $250 (two honorable mentions) are awarded to the top three teams! For details, visit


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