Washington School of Psychiatry

Certificate Training Programs

The programs listed below offer continuing education credits for psychologist, social workers, licensed professionals counselors, psychiatric nurses, and psychiatrists

Central Concepts in Dynamic Psychotherapy
is an introductory psychodynamic training program for recent mental health graduates. The program introduces basic concepts that distinguish psychodynamic/psychoanalytic psychotherapy from other clinical theories and practice. The clinical component of the training involves weekly supervision with faculty of ongoing clinical work.
More information on Central Concepts in Dynamic Psychotherapy

The Clinical Program on Psychotherapy Practice
is a two-year certificate program for all mental health practitioners. It provides in-depth study of contemporary psychodynamic theory and practice in both individual psychotherapy and other treatment modalities. The program emphasizes the psychotherapeutic relationship and the clinical application of theory. Weekly supervision in individual psychotherapy as well as supervision in one other modality is required.
More information on the Clinical Program on Psychotherapy Practice

Advanced Psychotherapy Training Program
is a three-year course of study offered to experienced therapists who desire to expand their knowledge of psychodynamic theory and practice. Students build an enduring foundation for practice through seminars that cover a broad spectrum of psychodynamic theories and clinical applications. Case conferences and weekly clinical supervision enhance clinical skills and therapeutic effectiveness.
More information on the Advanced Psychotherapy Training Program

The Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Training Program
is a two-year post-graduate certificate training program for mental health professionals. The program teaches principles of child development, psychopathology, assessment and psychotherapy of children and adolescents from a psychodynamic orientation. Through weekly readings, lectures, and supervision, as well as case presentations, the program integrates theoretical material with practical instruction on the practice of psychotherapy with children, adolescents and parents.
More information on the Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Training Program

Group Psychotherapy Training Program and National Group Psychotherapy Institute
offers six conferences over a two year period, each of which emphasizes one of the modern approaches to dynamic group psychotherapy. The program is open to all mental health professions and combines theory with experiential learning. An advanced track provides additional course work and supervision on leading psychotherapy groups.
More information on the Group Psychotherapy Training Program and National Group Psychotherapy Institute

The Infant and Young Child Observation Program
is two-year program conducted by a multidisciplinary faculty experienced in the model of Infant and Young Child Observation pioneered and developed by Esther Bick at the Tavistock Clinic in London. The program is open to students at all levels of experience. The course is designed to enhance awareness and understanding of human development and interaction in all cultures and ethnic groups. Studying babies and caregivers carefully over time allows students a unique opportunity to perceive relational patterns in the making. Observations of an infant and young child serve as the cornerstone of the program curriculum, which will focus on the integration of theoretical, clinical and experiential learning. Students will gain greater ability for emotional and intellectual receptivity, enhance their observational skills, and deepen their understanding of human development and its impact on the therapeutic process.
More information on the Infant and Young Child Observation Program

Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy Training Programis a model of short-term therapy, first developed by Habib Davanloo and based on psychodynamic theory. In this model of treatment, rapid character change can take place by helping the patient relinquish defenses against emotional experience. This course focuses on relational techniques for deepening the therapeutic relationship and experiential techniques for facilitating, deepening and working through core affective experiences. More information on the Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy Training Program


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