Professional Development Opportunities
PESI Presents: Screening, Assessment and Treatment of Dementia Don’t miss this opportunity to get the very latest on the effective assessment and treatment of dementia. Learn how to recognize, assess, treat, and provide realistic accommodations. Take home effective strategies from the initial identification of the disease into the later stages. In addition, you will learn the causes of dementia, its different manifestations, multiple disguises and varying evolutionary course. This practical hands-on seminar will provide you with a variety of screening tools you can implement and develop a full understanding of the strengths and limitations of each. Learn to become adept at identifying abnormal patterns of thinking and behaving early in the disease process. Considerable time will be spent discussing cognitive, vocational and social strategies that will add to your clinical arsenal. ABOUT THE SPEAKER Simon Tan, Ph.D ., a neuropsychologist, is a Clinical Assistant Professor (Affiliated) i...