Diagnosis and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder (Workshop is offered free of charge; 3 Category 1 CEUs offered for $20) Friday, April 23, 9:00 pm -- 12:00 pm Kolmac Clinic , 1003 Spring St., Silver Spring Md. 20910 Presenter: Paul van Ravenswaay, M.D. Paul van Ravenswaay, MD has had extensive experience treating Bipolar Mood Disorder and Dual Diagnoses patients as Clinical Director of psychiatric and substance abuse residential treatment programs and as partner in a large group practice. Currently, he works with Kolmac Clinic and has a private practice in Washington, DC, specializing in treatment resistant mood disorder, dual diagnosis, and pain management. Psychotherapists often wonder if their treatment-resistant, mood-disordered clients have been accurately diagnosed, and if they are taking the right kind of medication. This workshop will focus on the subtleties of diagnosing and developing an individualized treatment plan for individuals who present with symptoms of Bipolar, Bipola...